China's Polar Bear Cub Celebration

  • 12 years ago
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In China the first artificially bred polar bear turned 100 days old on Sunday. It was celebrated at the Penglai Oceanic and Polar World, in Yantai City in eastern Shandong Province. The staff gave a birthday cake to the bear and shared it with the cub and more than twenty visitors.

The visitors also sang a birthday song and watched as the keepers played with the bear.

[Visitor to Penglai Oceanic Polar World]:
"I was very nervous and afraid to see Yuanyuan at first. Actually it is very lovely and I really like it. I also very much want to give it a birthday celebration."

Yuanyuan was born on New Years day and was later rejected by her parents. She was rescued while in critical condition—suffering from malnutrition and other ailments.

Staff initially nursed Yuanyuan in an incubator with a bottle. Weighing 1.4 pounds at birth, the cub is now almost 40 pounds.

[Wang Benming, Curator of Penglai Oceanic Polar World]:
"Yuanyuan has grown fairly healthy on the whole. We have already begun to feed it supplementary food and we plan to enable it to meet visitors in May or June."

The Penglai Oceanic Polar World plans to set up a "Yuanyuan fans group." From this month, 20 lucky visitors will be chosen to meet Yuanyuan every Saturday morning to witness the polar bear growing-up.


