avoidant paruresis - bashful bladder - bashful bladder syndrome

  • hace 12 años
http://paruresistreatment.virtual35.com - avoidant paruresis - bashful bladder - bashful bladder syndrome

Before I explain how I believe you can overcome your
paruresis, I want to be sure you understand how your
fear works, why you’re not weak.

Strange or different, and why what you’re doing now
may be making your fear WORSE...

You're not afraid of using a public restroom because
you're strange, a coward, or weak.

You're afraid because your anxiety has tricked you
into associating urinating in public with something
that's dangerous and mislabeled it as a "threat"
in your mind.

Your fear and inability to use the bathroom in public
is simply your mind’s reaction to a message that isn’t

When your brain perceives something to be a threat to
your physical or emotional well-being, it does what it's
supposed to do.

avoidant paruresis - bashful bladder - bashful bladder syndrome
