• 12 years ago
Hair Plucker review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Hair Plucker from Moxy Games the iPhone. Hair Plucker is objectively horrible, but for a while, it was also the most downloaded game in the App Store. We're not sure whether that's because people were telling friends, "Hey, you've gotta see this absurd iPhone game" or because most people are, at heart, 15 year old boys. Hair Plucker is hilarious for a lot of reasons. One, this game has transformed female hygiene into a top charting mobile game. Two, the girls actually get hairier as the game progresses. And three, this whole notion is so ridiculous and borderline offensive, I can't help but applaud its moxie. Once you find a hair, you give a gentle tug. The hair gets plucked and your lady rewards you with a nice, wholesome moan of approval. This video review features video gameplay footage of Hair Plucker for the iPhone and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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