• 13 years ago
Classic Game Room HD reviews ROBO ALESTE for Sega CD! This amazing vertical scrolling SHMUP developed by Compile and distributed by Tengen is in the same family of Aleste games as the mighty MUSHA for Sega Genesis (dist. by Seismic). This CGR review of Robo Aleste features gameplay footage from the game which displays the intense shooter action, upgrades and difficulty of this fast-paced, stylish shooter set in ancient Japan. Robo Aleste is a steam powered super robot mecha like machine that eliminates enemies in a hail of laser gunfire and with numerous awesome weapon power ups. Only available on Sega CD and featuring some snazzy artwork, Robo Aleste may not be exactly like MUSHA (which recently appeared on Nintendo Wii Virtual Console), but the gameplay footage shows what makes Robo Aleste different and unique. Is it even better than Musha? Is this a vertical scrolling shmup that you missed? Check out the Classic Game Room old school review of ROBO ALESTE for the Sega Mega CD video game console.
