• 13 years ago
Cannon Fodder review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Cannon Fodder from Sensible Software and Virgin Interactive for the SEGA Genesis. Cannon Fodder is a great game of real time strategy and war tactics. Controlling a small infantry, you take on missions against enemies of far greater numbers. It kind of plays like a top down, 2D version of Battalion Wars. Because you're so outnumbered, strategy plays a crucial role in the success of your mission, but the combat is real time. So you're not only formulating strategies. You'll also have to execute them. As great as the gameplay is, however, what sets Cannon Fodder apart is its humor, its charm and even its politics. This video review features video gameplay footage of Cannon Fodder for the SEGA Genesis and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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