AMD shows off wicked five screen Dirt Showdown gaming ...

  • 12 years ago Computex 2012 - We've already seen quite a few multi-screen gaming PCs at Computex buy so far AMD takes the cake for the most impressive setup which we've seen.

At the booth in the Computex Nangang hall they had a system setup running Dirt Showdown on an AMD system running a single Radeon HD 7970 video card. We didn't get the details on the rest of the system. Hit the play button on the video above to see why you want one for your home.

We were a bit disappointed when one of the AMD managers on duty wouldn't allow us to place a TweakTown Computex Recommended sticker on the system. If anyone from AMD is reading, you may want to speak to whomever that manager was because you guys missed out. Nevertheless, a rather cool demo for sure!
