Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

  • 12 years ago
Military sources say Hosni Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for three decades until overthrown by last year, is on life support in a hospital. They denied a report that he was clinically dead.

Earlier the state news agency, amid high tension over the election of a new president, quoted medical sources as saying the former head of state, aged 84, was "clinically dead". A hospital source used the same description in an interview with Reuters.

But three sources in the military and security services, which retain control of Egypt following the revolt, said Mubarak was being kept alive and said they would not use the expression "clinically dead" to describe his condition.

General Said Abbas, a member of the ruling military council, told Reuters, that Mubarak had suffered a stroke but added:

"Any talk of him being clinically dead is nonsense."

Another military source said: "He is completely unconscious. He is using artificial respiration."

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
