Syrians seek refuge in Lebanon

  • 12 years ago
With the violence in Syria showing no sign of letting up, this is where many of those fleeing the carnage end up.

This is Arsal on the Lebanese-Syrian border, where the United Nations and the Lebanese government have set up shelter and assistance for refugees.

Many Syrians left with few belongings and little cash, some with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.


"We heard gun shots and bombs exploding so we started running as fast as we could. I was afraid for the children."

Refugees here are given a monthly voucher from the UN's World Food Programme, allowing them to buy food in local Lebanese shops.


"The World Food Programme is using vouchers here in Lebanon to assist the Syrian refugees. This is also an innovative system that helps the local economy and alleviates the burden on the local host communities."

The WFP is not only providing assistance here but also within Syria, where it has scaled up its operations to reach half a million people in need of help.

Simon Hanna, Reuters.
