Michael Kiwanuka about Music education, route, jazz, britpop, starting point
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Video interview with British singer-songwriter Michael Kiwanuka. FaceCulture spoke to Kiwanuka about his music education, route, jazz, britpop, the starting point, his struggle, demo's, open mic's, insecurity, voice, early songs, parents, Uganda, his producer Paul Butler, musical development, band, comfort zone, recording studio, sound, the single and album Home Again, writing songs, gigs, Adele, and his believe in music. (28/02/2012)
More video's: http://www.FaceCulture.com
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Video interview with British singer-songwriter Michael Kiwanuka. FaceCulture spoke to Kiwanuka about his music education, route, jazz, britpop, the starting point, his struggle, demo's, open mic's, insecurity, voice, early songs, parents, Uganda, his producer Paul Butler, musical development, band, comfort zone, recording studio, sound, the single and album Home Again, writing songs, gigs, Adele, and his believe in music. (28/02/2012)