wheel chair

  • 12 years ago
The Zionist are everywhere, the small number at the top draw not from the Jews as they are the scapegoat the Zionist are adopted bought and paid for politician and all heads of information worldwide, via its domination of money. Money is printed at will with no backing, then it is deposited in an account where the bank can then borrow 9 times the dollar in the new account, and they lend the money to the Zionist to buy whatever they want and so all large corporations have been devoured by imaginary decimal places. They have printed the money out of nothing, multiplied it by 900 precents with it purchased the world which sells us poisoned goods from our air to the water we drink which is in every food product with everything detrimental to your wellbeing as day by day we draw closer to the harvest, December 21st 2012.
if you believe you are God in the image of the Creator and as Jesus I said let us make man and woman in our image, you are, become like little gods of the Father God who you all reject. Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall
