CGRundertow MARINES: MODERN URBAN COMBAT for Nintendo Wii Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Marines: Modern Urban Combat from Destineer for the Nintendo Wii. Released in early 2010 for the Nintendo Wii, Marines: Modern Urban Combat is an unoriginal first-person shooter as well as an attempt to turn a profit from those gullible enough to see "modern and "combat" in a subtitle and think "modern warfare." Don't be duped, soldier. Marines: Modern Urban Combat isn't even a fraction as good. The game design itself is instantly forgettable. The levels, the themes, the gameplay — it's all been done before, and it's all been done better. But being generic and stale is the least of this game's problems. This video review features video gameplay footage of the arcade game Marines: Modern Urban Combat and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.
