• há 10 anos
Spirit Of The Forest Kim Wilde
Chris Rea: Up from the canopy I can see
Kim Wilde: A thousand chainsaws comin' for me
Thomas Dolby: For millions of years this has been my home
Louise Goffin, Lacy J Dalton: Turn around, turn around, it soon may all be gone

Belinda Carlisle, Bonnie Raitt, Rita Coolidge, Olivia Newton-John, Louise Goffin, Shikisha, Sam Brown, Kim Wilde, Donna Summer, Debbie Harry, Taylor Dayne, B52's, Dolette McDonald:
They'll never break the spirit of the forest
They'll never cut the heart from the tree of life
They'll never break the spirit of the forest
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Donna Summer: I hear the cry of the Yanomami
Joey Ramone, Iggy Pop: The Kookaburra and the Golden Monkey
Taylor Dayne: Thousands of acres up in smoke every day
Richie Havens: Millions of species fadin' away

All: They'll never break the spirit of the forest
They'll never cut the heart from the tree of life
They'll never break the spirit of the forest
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Gilberto Gil, Ney Matogrosso, Renato Russo, Djavan, Ivan Linns: Jamais quebrarao o espirito das matas
Sandra de Sa, Rita Lee, Gal Costa, Marisa Monte: Jamais cortarao o coracao na arvore da vida
Gilberto Gil, Ney Matogrosso, Renato Russo, Djavan, Ivan Linns: Matipu, Makuxi, Waimiri, Pataxo
Sandra de Sa, Rita Lee, Gal Costa, Marisa Monte: Bororo, Tikuna, Kanela
All the Brazilians: Tukano, Xavante, Juruna, Guarani, Kaypo

Nathan Moore: Up from the canopy I can see
Rita Coolidge: Flames of extinction coming for me
Jon Anderson: Hanging in the balance there lies our fate
Was not Was: Turn around, turn around before it's too late

All: They'll never break the spirit of the forest
They'll never cut the heart from the tree of life
They'll never break the spirit of the forest
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh


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