Big bang

  • 12 yıl önce
Almighty Allah created the universe from a single point with a huge explosion.

While all other explosions damage the existing order, the 300 billion galaxies in the universe emerged from zero volume, nothing in other words, with this explosion, known as the Big Bang.

The Milky Way we live in is just one of these 300 billion galaxies.

There are 250 billion stars in the Milky Way. The Sun is one of these 250 billion stars.

The number of stars, such as the Sun, in the visible universe is 1024, a stupendous number, more than a billion times a billion times a billion. Allah has created the Earth as a living space within the boundless universe. We live on a world that occupies almost no place at all within infinity. In fact, not just our Earth but even our galaxy occupies a tiny place in the universe. So just imagine how small a place you yourself occupy in this utterly vast universe.
Every single atom in each of these 1024 stars is under the control of Allah at every moment. Every movement, speed, speed of revolution, the temperatures and distances of and between every planet, every one of the 1024 stars and 300 billion galaxies are all determined in the Sight of Allah and are duly created at every moment. Allah maintains countless balances on Earth at every second, without our ever being aware of them. While a flawless equilibrium is being maintained in the vastness of space, an extraordinary range of extraordinarily complex and perfect processes also takes place within a few seconds in every square millimeters of our bodies.
