
  • 12 years ago
First let me set the record straight & say that for the lack of a better term, I am “Pro-Choice!” I believe a woman has the right to decide what she does & does not do with her body & that nobody has the right to force or prohibit her from doing so. While I would not wish to see my own child aborted, I would (as I have) state my position & give my support for whatever decision “she” makes. Still, there is overwhelming evidence that eugenic ideals, goals & practices have evolved into the modern day abortion clinic. Did you know: Since 1973, legal abortion has killed more "African-Americans" than AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease & violent crimes COMBINED!?!?!? Every week, more "Blacks" die in American abortion clinics (not including hospitals) than were killed in the entire Vietnam war. The largest chain of abortion clinics in the United States is operated by The American Eugenics Society... I mean The American Birth-Control League... I mean... Planned Parenthood! It's hard to keep up with the name changes - SMH
