Original video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17948109
Subtitling by faraude on Youtube. (His/her/its original version is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVNBRFFpgiU )
Translation by Vgperson
Original Singer: VY2 or Sekihan (depending on how you look at it...)
Vocals in this version: Sekihan
Producer: Takahashi Yō (Ie no Ura de Manbō ga Shinderu-P)
Artist: Ryūgū Tsukasa (Manbo's sister)
...I feel the pain of uploading this. One, because the title is so darned long and I can't fit it ALL in 10 tags and it requires a little brainpower... (or more than anticipated, anyways). But what d'you expect, this is Manbo-P anywho. The illustrations are really reallllllly cute and adorable, as is typical of Manbo, again.
Subtitling by faraude on Youtube. (His/her/its original version is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVNBRFFpgiU )
Translation by Vgperson
Original Singer: VY2 or Sekihan (depending on how you look at it...)
Vocals in this version: Sekihan
Producer: Takahashi Yō (Ie no Ura de Manbō ga Shinderu-P)
Artist: Ryūgū Tsukasa (Manbo's sister)
...I feel the pain of uploading this. One, because the title is so darned long and I can't fit it ALL in 10 tags and it requires a little brainpower... (or more than anticipated, anyways). But what d'you expect, this is Manbo-P anywho. The illustrations are really reallllllly cute and adorable, as is typical of Manbo, again.