Mexico Encantador episode 1

  • il y a 12 ans
A little about us.

We are two artists with similar dreams and aspirations for a brighter future. Lila has a beautiful, sweet 4-year-old son, Mateo, who is an angel and a devil all at once. I have a 7-month-old puppy, an Argentinian Doggo, Boogie Man, who is full of character and funny noises. Boogie and Mateo's relationship itself is worthy of documentation.

We four are going on an adventure: to discover the beautiful country of Mexico, to talk to its people - people from all walks of life. We want to find out what the citizens of Mexico think of their country today, and their point of view about promoting Geo Tourism as a means to salvage the uncertain future of their traditional "modus vivendi."
The project.

We have a goal which we would like to reach. In each town where we stop along the tour, we will spend three days and organize an art workshop for both children and adults. This will be arranged in three steps:

1/ Projecting artistic documentaries and animations which depict the life ideas and style of our own home town La Paz.

2/ Invite them to be involved in the filming of a live animation painting.

3/ By bringing artist projects into small towns, people who have been untouched by art, will discover that their lives will be changed for the better by the experience.
México Encantatador is a 7250 km long tour over a 3 month period through the following cities:

La Paz, Mazatlan, Durango, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Querétaro, México DF, Veracruz, La Venta, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mérida, Cancún, Playa del Carmen, Chetumal, Palenque, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, Acapulco, Guadalajara, Mazatlan, La Paz - and many more along the way.
How you can help the project.

The Impact.

During "México Encantador", we would like to teach the people we encounter free artistic expression, build up their self confidence and remind them that their point of view matters on an internation level. By focusing on the inerest people could recover for art, culture, and its close relationship to geo tourism. Workshops, documentary projections, and interviews will be accompanied by sharing the importance of returning to this basic loving and natural way of living. Giving them the knowledge, and most important, the information of how to do it themselves, considering what they have naturally in their surroundings.

Our world has been changing in a disappointing direction. It is not the time to return to the disastrous events which have caused our current situation. It is, however, an ethical obligation to find the path of reconstructing a way of salvation for many, intellectually. Instead of complaining about past mistakes, it is time we choose to do something about it. "Mexico Encantador" is planned to bring about awareness of this situation, a situation which is far from affecting Mexico alone. On the other hand, we can see the need for this transformation all over the world.
Our past experience in this domain.

Rose has been traveling in France and the USA, giving art workshops in disadvantaged areas for the past ten years. Rose is a self taught film director and editor, and has been cataloging her work through short films since 2007. In 2009, Rose traveled around the USA with a theater group from New York City. She filmed a documentary, which won two international film festival awards, called 'The Fairy-Tale Experience.'

Rose has been working with a group of kids in La Paz for the past 8 months. She started a painters group called "The Painting Pirates Club" and has been painting a 2.5km long concrete river with the kids. You can read an on line article in an art Mag here:

and watch a Documentary about the Painting Pirates here:

Please take a moment to look through the videos and photos in the gallery to see her other successful past projects. Please follow this link to view Rose Robin’s Resume:

