Shaan Stevens-How to Give Up Caffeine

  • 12 years ago
Shaan Stevens,Shaan Stevens,How to Give Up Caffeine,Shaan Stevens,Shaan Stevens,How to Give Up Caffeine,Whether it’s for your physical health, your mental health or fasting reasons, giving up caffeine or reducing caffeine in the diet without experiencing caffeine withdrawal symptoms can be a serious challenge. However, like many challenges, it’s easier with a little preparation and know-how. These tips on how to quit a caffeine habit won’t make kicking the caffeine habit easy… but they will make it a lot easier than it would otherwise be!

Identifying Sources of Caffeine

The first step to reducing caffeine from your diet (or eliminating caffeine altogether) is identifying how you consume caffeine. The following foods are common sources of caffeine:
Tea (except for naturally caffeine-free tisanes)
Colas with added caffeine, including root beer (You may also want to reduce/eliminate drinks with other stimulants, such as guarine)
Yerba mate
Keep in mind that 'decaf' coffees and teas are lower in caffeine than their regular counterparts, but they still contain some caffeine.

You may also want to learn more about the caffeine levels of coffee, tea and chocolate to better understand how much caffeine is in each source of caffeine, and to read up on factors influencing caffeine levels in coffee, caffeine levels in Starbucks coffee, factors influencing caffeine levels in tea, caffeine in green tea and caffeine in leaf tea vs. teabags.

Identifying Cravings

Once you have identified which caffeine-laden substances you consume, identify what drives you to consume them. For example, do you drink coffee because you like the taste, because it’s a vehicle for sugar and milk, or because you are tired?

Once you have made a list of your reasons for consuming sources of caffeine, you’re ready to find low-caffeine or no-caffeine substitutes for these cravings.