Green Juice Recipes

  • 12 years ago The late Jack LaLanne, Jay Kordich - The Juice Man, and even Montel Williams have juicers for you and chances are you may have seen these guys on TV spouting the virtues of putting juice into your diet. It is all true, you will benefit greatly by juicing. More and more people have started taking charge of their nutrition and their health. They have turned to juicing to enhance their health, increase their energy, and reduce their likelihood of developing the common health troubles that face society today.

Juicing means extracting the juice from or pureeing fresh fruits and vegetables; the juice can be consumed or made into a smoothie. There are several benefits to juicing your daily portion of fruits and vegetables rather than eating them as whole foods. By consuming fresh juice, your body is able to rapidly absorb the many vitamins, minerals, and overall nutritional value that fruits and vegetables contain by bypassing the digestion process that is required for whole foods. These nutrients rapidly pass across the intestines and into your blood allowing your body to put them to use immediately. Plus, many people prefer to cook their vegetables before they eat them when in actuality, fruits and vegetables are better if they are consumed raw. Enzymes that occupy a key role in your metabolism are mainly found in raw foods. Enzymes change the food you eat into body tissue and energy, thus increasing your metabolic rate. This means that you will burn more calories with the accompanying weight loss.

If you've ever wondered about the effectiveness of juicing as a nutritional tool, then you've come the right place. I'd like to invite you to our website which was created to show you the value of juicing and to provide you with everything you need to get started. Come to and grab our free 10 part mini-course which is designed to provide you with all of the information you need to know to get started juicing quickly. Thats and grab that free mini-course.
