
  • 12 years ago

Chairs for bad backs: you need a good, supportive chair to keep your back feeling as good as possible. Maybe you were injured, maybe you just have stiffness from working in an office or maybe you're like me and you have both.

I switch my chairs as frequently as I can remember to- I have an ergonimc kneeling chair which helps my back muscles to stay strong and a high back leather office chair with a lumbar support and a heating pad to soothe the muscles.

You have to choose your chairs for bad backs wisely- as in do your research! As in read reviews from folks who have actually used these and then make your decision.

One good way to do this is by visiting our website at and browse our pages.

Online reviews are best since people love to be scathingly honest when it's not a face to face situation. If there's a missing nut or bolt in a chair kit, you'll read an angry diatribe about it.

What's better is you'll also learn what the absolute best and worst of each chair is all about.