Hezbollah Call For More Protest Over Anti-Islam Film

  • 12 years ago
As protests against U.S. embassies spread around the Muslim world, we take a deeper look at some of the causes behind the unrest.

Full Story:

Hezbollah TV shows the head of Lebanon's militant Shia movement calling for more protests against the U.S.

Hezbollah is an Islamic militant group based in Lebanon, and is supported financially by Iran and Syria.

Demonstrations against U.S. interests have spread around the Muslim world in recent days.

This includes Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Bahrain, Afghanistan, Yemen, Kashmir, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The protests are mostly aimed at U.S. embassies, and have been fueled by a crude anti-Islam film made in California.

The worst violence was in Libya.

The U.S. ambassador and three other staff members were killed when an armed mob stormed the consulate.

Evidence has been growing that the attack was pre-planned by Islamist militants.

Now US officials have intercepted communications between al-Qaida and the Libya based militant group Ansar al-Sharia.

It is thought that the attack was planned for the 11th anniversary of 9/11, using the anti-Islam video as a cover up.

Mohamed al-Magariaf, the president of Libya's parliament, says military action may be used against the militants.

Outside of Libya, the worst violence was in Sudan, where protesters
targeted U.S., British and German embassies.

The demonstrations in Sudan, Syria and Iran are reported to have been backed by the government.

In Tunisia, protesters breached the U.S. embassy compound and burned the U.S flag.

In Yemen, U.S. marines have been sent to protect the U.S embassy, reported Yemen's spokesman in Washington.

Demonstrations also reached Europe, with protests against U.S. embassies in London and Paris.

In Sydney Australia hundreds of Muslims threw rocks and bottles as they clashed with police.

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