red medicine - bwi 9.28.12 ! of 2

  • il y a 12 ans
wake the f#ck up folks! occults prancing around as politicians have tanked our economy and messed up our chance at health care reform. and if that wasn't enough, we're still paying off their friends for the pleasure of having them rip us off!. they say that with the 1.4 trillion we spent in the initial bailouts we could've given each person with a mortgage and each person that lost their job $350K, yet we're still spending at least 40billion a month buying mortgage backed securities. we would've been better off buying out every mortage in america for the money we spent instead of throwing it out the window like we did given it to greedy bankers that are just feeding the big industries that are polluting our environment and poisoning us with their roundup ready corn and the like... but why is it that we only have two parties in america? kind of feels like a rigged game doesn't it. who ever we choose they win and we lose. gimme a phone, gas money, mortgage assistance... get the pyramid off my dollar and for goodness sake lets separate red church and state a little huh. lets say yes to the 10 Commandments in public, lets say yes to a spiritual life in our schools instead of indoctrinating folks to be occult ready zombies by rewarding them with favors they dont deserve.

blue watch initiative blog:

human resources:

#BreakingNews #GOP #SarahPalin #MittRomney #RNC #FoxNews #CNN

