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text courtesy of wikipedia creative commons

TradeStation Securities (TradeStation) is an online brokerage company based in Plantation, Florida. Best known for it's TradeStation analysis software and electronic trading platform which it provides to active trader and certain institutional trader markets. The TradeStation platform features electronic order execution and enables clients to design, test, optimize, monitor, and automate their own custom equities, options, futures and forex trading strategies.[4][5]
http://t.co/CRbBw17z links to our July Charts
http://t.co/qjSjqjI3 August charts
http://t.co/6EE0DK5f here are links to more September charts
http://t.co/Rurra1Kv October charts
http://t.co/cqolwlk3 Binary options

2012 - TradeStation named "Best" in six categories in Stocks & Commodities Readers' Choice Awards
TradeStation earns highest overall ranking -- 4 ½ stars -- in Barron's review of online brokers
2011 - TradeStation Group acquired by Monex Group[8]
Barron's ranks TradeStation "Best Online Broker".
TradeStation launches TradeStation Forex
TradeStation launches new innovative website.
TradeStation Group acquires IBFX Holdings, LLC
2010 - In 2010, TradeStation reports revenue of $129.0 million and a net income of $11.4 million
TradeStation reports client assets in excess of $2.3 billion as of December 31, 2010
Over 47,000 brokerage accounts opened as of December 31, 2010
Launch of TradeStation 9.0
Launch of Eurex execution
2009 - TradeStation named "Best" in seven categories in Stocks & Commodities magazine's Readers' Choice Awards. Begin launch of TradeStation Prime Services in September 2009
2008 - Ranked #46 by Fortune small business magazine — Fastest-Growing Small Public Companies
2007 - Fundamental data incorporated into historical database for strategy testing. Integrated direct-access Forex execution launched.
2006 - TradeStation Europe Limited receives approval from the FSA (UK) as an introducing broker.
2005 - The company commences self-clearing of options trades for active traders
2004 - Company launches Tra


