Part-2: Altaf Hussain offers Co-operation to the armed forces & the ISI for saving The Country

  • 12 years ago
He said that “empowerment for all” is the manifesto of the MQM and it wants to give the right to rule to the people belonging to the poor and middle classes in the country. Addressing the people of Pakistan, he said that they had tested several parties. “Give at least one opportunity to the MQM and if the fruit of their votes turns out to be sweat than they may thank it and if the fruit turns out to be bitter they may throw it out.”

He said that the politics of the MQM was not aimed at acquiring power only. “We believe in serving the people without any discrimination. We went to serve the people in Kashmir after the devastating earthquake even though we had no support base there.”

Mr Hussain regretted that certain elements in the country were targeting polio vaccinators. He asked the MQM office-bearers to organize camps with the support of organizations that were working for eradicating polio from the country.

He said that he wanted the custom of dowry to be eliminated from the country. He urged upon the young boys to look for the character and personal traits instead of going after a large dowry. He regretted that a large number of women could not be married only because their parents were not able to collect large dowries.

He said that the dignity of women should be restored, and evil custom such as karo-kari must be abolished. He asked the Co-ordination Committee to set up a shelter home for the young couples who want to marry out of their own free wills.

He praised the city administration, government of Sindh, police, rangers, and other law-enforcing agencies for making efficient arrangements during Eidul Azha.


