Prayers, hope at historic Manhattan church

  • 12 years ago
A place for the pious in the wake of Hurricane Sandy -- the so-called 'superstorm' that slammed into the U.S. East Coast last week.

Residents of Lower Manhattan gather here at the historic Trinity Church, which opened its doors on Sunday for the first time since the storm struck.

For many, it's an opportunity to see that their friends and neighbours are coping.


"It's really a relief to see so many people out and that they are okay. We have been calling and talking to people as much as possible to make sure that they are fine. And it's good to see with my own eyes that the people that we see every week and care about are here."

Another resident says that after so much hardship, it's a relief to see New York come back to life.


"There's a lot of people out and lots of activity going on and tourist buses going by. It's really nice to see New York City coming back to its normal state after we've been through so much. It's been a trying time for everybody I know."

Power has been restored to much of Lower Manhattan for the first time in nearly a week, with some 80 percent of the subway system up and running.

But nearly 2 million homes and businesses along the eastern seaboard still lack power, down from 2.5 million just days earlier.

Sandy is the biggest storm to hit the United States since records began.
