• 13 years ago
John Wong, the Mathematical Evangelist, witnessed the Establishment of Eternity by mathematics:

From the Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria to the restoration of modern Israel state is 722B.C.+(1335x2)→A.D.1948, referring to the Book of Daniel, chapter 12, verse 12.

The reason of twice 1335 is because Moses used the rod, which Jehovah God gave Moses to indicate that God was with him, to smite the rock twice to give out living water. This event also resulted in the split of the Kingdom of Israel into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in the later days.

Jesus is the unique genuine Messiah, 457B.C.+7x(7+62)→A.D.26, because Jesus was baptized (anointed) in A.D.26 referring to the Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27.

Jesus will return in A.D.2054 because 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x7)→A.D.2054 referring to the prophecy of `Seventy Weeks' as described in the Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 and the prophecy of `Open Seven Seals' mentioned in the Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. On average, opening each seal means 7 years. Opening seven seals mean 49 years. `Seventy Weeks'=(7x70) years. The Holy Spirit sealed up the visions of `Four Sea Beasts' as described in the Book of Daniel, chapter 7, by (7x70)x4 years. The fifth `Seventy Weeks' is related to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The unique genuine Jesus Christ will descend onto the Earth after the fifth `Seventy Weeks' and `Open Seven Seals'. Before this, all are Antichrists or False Christ. Jesus will establish Millennium Kingdom in A.D.2055 because 445B.C.+(50x50)→A.D.2055, referring to the Book of Leviticus, chapter 25. The equation is equivalent to 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50→A.D.2055.

The essence of prophecy of `Seventy Weeks' in Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verse 24-27, is from going forth of the third commandment by Persian king to rebuild Jerusalem to Eternity is 445B.C.+(70x50)→A.D.3055 which is equivalent to 445B.C.+(50x50)+1000→A.D.3055. This means that, after a golden jubilee (50 times) of SEVENTY years have passed, 445B.C.+(70x50)→A.D.3055, or after seventy `Golden Jubilees' years have passed, 445B.C.+(50x70)→A.D.3055, eternal life of human beings will appear. The 1000 years are the reign of Millennium Kingdom established by Jesus Christ. In the prophecy of `Seventy Weeks', people should understand `Seventy Weeks' is the same as `Seven Seventies'. Seventy and Golden Jubilee are supreme holy of holy. (Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 & Leviticus, chapter 25)

The people in the world only read the four Gospels of the Bible but do not understand the Book of Revelation. They do not know that Jesus Christ has told the world of Revelation about the Book of St. Matthew 24:36, "Only the Father (Jehovah God) know".
The first order was given out by Persian king Cyrus the Great in 536B.C. The second order was given out by Persian king Artaxerxes in 457B.C. The third order was given out by Persian king Artaxerxes in 445B.C.



