Bed Bugs Natural Treatment, Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permantly Secrets Reveal

  • 12 years ago
Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally
Bed Bugs Treatment, Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently Secrets Revealed
Causes of Bed Bugs
The most common question that follows up the infestation of bed bugs is “why are there bed bugs in my house”? Where did I get them? Most people wonder about this mystery and some are even ashamed by the fact, but getting a few bed bugs in your apartment is not as hard as it may seem, here are just a few ways they can get into your house.

If you are in a building apartment the most probably cause of your infestation are your neighbors. Bed bugs can crawl through wall cracks and get into your apartment, so until all of your neighbors get rid of them you might have to deal with them biting you every now and then.

If you travel a lot this is not unusual, as they will crawl into your luggage and you will carry them safely to your home.

You can get them from any place so you might as well have them in your clothes and lead them straight to your home.

One of the common ways to get bed bugs into your home is by buying used furniture. In most cases old houses with old furniture are full of them, so you might want to check the furniture and get it disinfected before moving it into your home.

If your job is sending you into other people’s homes or hotels it is not hard to pick them up and get them to your house. So all occupations pose a certain hazard.

Of course maybe one of your guests brought them along. Every person that comes into your home may be bringing them along, but that is not something you can control.

You can also get a few from wild animals, such as rats, birds and bats. This is a bit rare but it happens.

These are a few common ways anyone can get bed bugs, as you see this is nothing to be ashamed of as you are definitely not in control and not to be held responsible.

Bed Bug Facts

Bed bugs like carbon dioxide. That is why they are attracted to your warmth.

Once bitten by a bug, you will not feel anything for hours.

Research says that bed bugs may survive for 18 months without eating.

The female bug is expected to lay about 500 eggs in her lifetime.

Although they refrain from going out, they can. They may even climb up materials to invade a house.

They may be seen inside the weaves of a shirt or pants. They will appear as a dark speck often ignored

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally

Most people are worried by the fact that not only they will have to deal with bites from irritating pests, but from the fact that they will have to deal with insecticides that come with getting rid of bed bugs. Well, there are different methods of getting rid of bed bugs naturally, let’s take a look.
