Journey Into The Afterlife - A Near Death Experience

  • 12 years ago
Journey Into The Afterlife - A Near Death Experience

What near-death experiencers come back from NDEs believing the purpose of life is, is to advance in our capacity to love one another and to acquire knowledge. So, in a nutshell, it's loving and learning.

The only reality is God and God is love. God loves without limit. God is everything. (Linda Stewart - Near Death Experience)

God is the creative energy of the universe, expressing itself as us and everything else. Wherever we are, God is. Like God, we are constantly expressing ourselves in some way. (Jan Price - Near Death Experience)

God has a vantage point we can never perceive. He sees into our eternal pasts and futures and knows our eternal needs. In his great love he answers prayers according to this eternal and omniscient perspective. He answers all prayers perfectly. (Betty Eadie - Near Death Experience)

God perfectly understands our lack of knowledge. He knows that most of us do


