Best Books for Kids - Sewing a Friendship

  • 12 years ago Are You Looking for Ways to Teach Your Children about FRIENDSHIP.....ACCEPTANCE....AND FITTING IN??
Check out NATALIE TINTI'S Popular Kids' book, called SEWING A FRIENDSHIP!
NATALIE TINTI isn't just a Talented CHILDREN'S BOOK AUTHOR and ILLUSTRATOR......She's also a CHILD!
An EXPERIENCED AUTHOR AT 13......her books Resonate with KIDS In a way that Adult Authors Work YEARS to ACHIEVE!
At age 9 NATALIE was Inspired to Write SEWING a FRIENDSHIP after she noticed that Other KIDS at School were FINDING it DIFFICULT to MAKE FRIENDS.
SEWING a FRIENDSHIP follows a GROUP of KIDS Who BE-FRIEND a LONER. She's written several follow-up Best Books for Kids that Follow the CHARACTERS' ADVENTURES.
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