• 12 years ago
Religion is good for photographers. Over the last two millennium, not to go back in history too much, the various religions around the world have appropriated themselves with the best locations for sightseers, the best locations to build monuments, fortress, cathedrals and other wonders of architecture which most photographers enjoy shooting. They have loaded these sites with their iconic symbolism and monuments that make place for very dramatic scenes. Great for photographers as I said earlier, don't you agree? But the best part is that these sites, or at least most of them is that they are free to visit and can be shot at any time of the day or night. One of these sites is nearby. I can see it from my window at home in Aldeanueva de Ebro, La Rioja. The village where these scenes were shot is called Funes (pronounced FOONESS) in the province of Navarra.


Ce film nous montre un endroit méconnu. J'ai voulu donner un aperçu d'une journee passée a le visiter. La randonnée commence avec le lever du Soleil et se termine avec une promenade sous un ciel étoilé ou l'on peut apercevoir la voie lactée et le mouvement circulaire de toutes les étoiles autour de l’étoile Polaris qui est la seule étoile a ne jamais changer de position dans le firmament.

