Conspiracy 911 Terrorism Trial Mystery

  • 11 years ago
A new 9/11 Conspiracy? Who cut the audio feed during the trial of the 5 men accused of plotting the September 11 terrorist attacks?

The trial of five men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks on the United States has run into controversy.

Although most of the trial is being held publicly, U.S. security officials have made it clear that some information will be kept secret.

An officer sits near the judge and controls a button that muffles the audio feed, when secret information is disclosed.

But now the judge, Army Colonel James Pohl, says someone outside the courtroom silenced the audio feed.

[James Connell, Defense Lawyer]:
"The judge certainly expressed surprise that someone other than the court security officer had pressed the button."

According to the Reuters news agency, the issue rests on the controversial practice of extraordinary rendition, as well as evidence obtained through torture.

The defense lawyer requested that secret CIA prisons, where the defendants claim they were tortured, be preserved as evidence. The sound was then abruptly cut.

The five defendants are accused of training and aiding the hijackers who slammed commercial jetliners into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, 2001.

If convicted of charges that include terrorism, attacking civilians and murdering nearly 3,000 people, they could face execution.

The Obama administration has made it clear that U.S. policy on interrogation techniques has now been changed, and no longer permits any form of torture.

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