• 12 years ago
I visited the remotest fishing village I could find on the Mexico East Coast. First I hitchhiked to Punta Herrero, then I took a boat to the island lobster fishing settlement of Maria Elena. I'd like to claim I was the first tourist to ever visit, but I was in fact the third. Even in this remote location, situated within the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, one finds plenty of plastic waste washed up on the shore.
It makes me question the whole use of the word 'eco-tourism' and what it should entail. Is it enough for a resort that uses the term 'eco' to only recycle waste? Or should they also try and curb the use of plastics?
And what of large beverage manufacturers like Coca-Cola, technology has developed bio-degradable plastic, why are they not using them with their products?
What do you think, should tourism business try and help in the reduction of plastic waste?


