• 11 years ago
not a condition maintained by overeating; obesity is a condition brought about and maintained by eating more calories than the body uses, consistently. As a practical example, eating twenty-five hamburgers a year that are Burger King Whoppers rather than twenty-five McDonald Quarter Pounders can cause a weight gain of more than one and one-half pounds in that year. Detox diet Detox diets claim to eliminate undesirable "toxins" from the human body rather than claiming to cause weight loss. Many of these use herbs and other homeopathic remedies, such as dandelion root for liver filtering and celery and other juicy low- calorie vegetables for salt absorption edit . Fat loss versus muscle loss Weight loss typically involves the loss of fat, water and muscle. Overweight people, or people suffering from obesity , typically aim to reduce the percentage of body fat. Additionally, as muscle tissue is denser than fat, fat loss results in increased loss of body volume compared with muscle loss. To determine the proportion of weight loss that is due to decreased fat tissue, various methods of measuring body fat percentage have been developed. Muscle loss during weight loss can be restricted by regularly lifting weights or doing push-ups and other strength-oriented calisthenics and by maintaining sufficient protein intake. Those on low-carbohydrate diets, and those doing particularly strenuous exercise, may wish to increase their protein intake. According to the National Academy of Sciences , the. There is no conclusive evidence that moderately high protein diets in healthy individuals are dangerous; it has only been shown that these diets are dangerous in individuals already suffering from kidney and liver problems. The Basal Metabolic Rate , which is the amount of calories the body expends at rest, meaning without performing any physical activity , is influenced by the person's total weight and total amount of muscle. The more muscle, the more calories a person can burn naturally. When the amount of muscle is increased, then more calories can be ingested without gaining weight. Normally, when people lose weight, they lose a combination of fat and muscle. If the diet plan includes a daily caloric intake greater than the basal metabolic rate BMR , the person will most likely lose fat. In contrast, if the person follows a diet that includes a lower caloric intake than the BMR, this person will lose fat but also a higher percentage of muscle citation
