Get rid of belly fat in 3 minutes with a sledgehammer

  • 11 years ago
Get rid of belly fat in 3 minutes with a sledgehammer
autoimmune disease. There are some other treatments, but I am still gathering information on them, myself. If anyone else knows of more treatments, please tell us. Thanks Lee I'm sorry I am barraging this board with so many questions. I am trying to sort through all the information here, but I am so d #m tired I can't read it all and comprehend it, and still get some housework done. If I at least know the names of things to research, it cuts out some of the wading, so I REALLY appreciate you posting the info here for me to look through. I went to bed last night, while trying to get some research done. I felt ill, but fell asleep around midnight. I am so thankful I found you guys, because if I hadn't, I'd still just believe my doctor that nothing was wrong with me except depression, and things would probably only get progressively worse and this is no way to live life. No need to be sorry I'm trying to make the Easily Accessible Information topic easy to follow and comprehensive, but, a lot of information is always difficult to wade through, no matter how good the editing. We will always need the forum so we can ask for help. I'm looking at everything I've compiled, and its making me dizzy, too. However, it is helping me find all of the changes I need to make in my treatment and road back to health. How odd is that with my dx of hashi's and ebv which originally was thought to be MS ? I wonder why this isn't common knowledge or practice. I know you are interested in this treatment for yourself; have you found others, actual others, not from articles, that have done well with this treatment that have hashi's?. I have tried a few alternative treatment protocols, in fact, I think one of the first is what put me into a complete tailspin, but apparently some do work for some people. Nanook, when I read your post about "alternative therapies," I thought of LDN too. I just got mine in the mail from a compounding pharmacy. I wish I understood a little better of exactly HOW it works with thyroid
