• 5 years ago
Alexei 'Lyokha' Nikonov performs 'Underground' for BalconyTV St. Petersburg
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Alexei 'Lyokha' Nikonov, songwriter and frontman of PTVP, one of Russia's most radical bands.

Having published four samizdat collections of his poetry, Nikonov said he makes a living mainly from reciting his poetry at clubs.

"I don't know any other poet who lives off his poems," he said to The St. Petersburg Times, adding that from 150 to 300 people usually come to his recitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and about 100 in the provinces.

He also wrote a libretto for Zurich-born, St. Petersburg-based director Giuliano Di Capua's theatrical production "Medea," described on the posters as a "punk opera" and premiered in March 2010.

On a Balcony TV Nikonov appears with a song from the band's eleventh album "Ultimatum" -- the most hard-edged and insolent in its nihilism.

According to the album notes, it is "an attack on daily routine [and on the] opportunism of those who surround us and [on the] conformism of those who are being surrounded; war against narrow-mindedness and servility; war against Philistinism and indulgence; our Ultimatum."

The album's subject matter deals with aspects of contemporary Russia's protests and repressions.

"It's a reaction to modern reality, an ultimatum."

"Recent events point to that; you can't calculate the authorities' next move, they're so illogical and unpredictable. They could be panicking, or they could all have gone mad, it's not clear."

"Unfortunately, we'll only be able to find that out in about 20 years."

"This is obviously not a pop album, there are no hits here. We consciously made a point of not having any pop songs, even if the songs are short — 2'30" and sort of radio format — but this is all, of course, a parody of radio format."

"All the songs are punk, hardcore and there's none of the mysticism and no romanticism at all, for sure. I think it's a sober, neo-realistic album. I would even call it naturalistic and odious enough. Consciously odious," Nikonov said.

Автор четырёх сборников стихов («Нехардкор», «Техника быстрого письма», «Галлюцинации» «Гербарий»), три из которых вошли в книгу «Нулевые», автор поэмы «Медея» и текстов к опере «Медея. Эпизоды». Сторонник и пропагандист устной поэзии, отсюда частые выступления в клубах страны и зарубежья. Не примыкает ни к одной из поэтических групп. Не печатается в официозных изданиях (тем не менее книга «Нулевые» разошлась 2000-м тиражом в течение года). Внешняя брутальность стихов Никонова всегда отпугивала обывателей и буржуазию -- больших любителей «душевной» поэзии. Суть в том, что форма -- лишь один из атрибутов его поэтического стиля, и внимательный читатель или слушатель обнаружит за этим намеренно грязным фасадом множество других подпольных тем, вечных для любого поэта в любое время.

Video and Photography : Nastasia Maslennikova, Eva Kuligina
Sound : Seva Gakkel, Mark Titov
Editing : Nastasia Maslennikova, Eva Kuligina
Production Assistant : Alexandre Senin
Producer : Seva Gakkel

Brought to you in association with SOFYA SKAYA MEZZANINE

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