Mexican Priest Uses Superheroes In Mass

  • 11 years ago
Meet the Mexican priest who uses superheroes and water guns to liven up Mass for children.

Full Story:

A Mexican priest is using plastic water guns to spray churchgoers with holy water in the northern Mexican city of Saltillo.

Father Humberto Alvarez also adorns his robes with images of comic-book superheroes such as Superman and Batman, to entertain the children during Mass.

Alvarez says his unorthodox methods make the children smile, and forget about the hardship of life in an area where organized crime and drug-related violence is rampant.

[Father Humberto Alvarez, Priest]:
"With this toy we seek to break the protocol of mass, and we can do something to reach out to the children and get smiles and joy from children who have never played with water, never had fun with water, and never played with a water gun. With this gesture we involve them in the celebration."

Alvarez only uses the superhero robes and water gun when holding children's Mass, but switches back to his normal attire and practices when holding Mass for adults.

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