• 6 years ago
Zach Arrington performs 'The Edge Is The World' live for BalconyTV Austin
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Things are beginning to get exciting around here with the release of my long-delayed EP, "Adam's Orchard." It's been a long road here, so let's summarize:

My music, like my upbringing, has deep roots in the spirituality of Texas Christianity. I learned to play music during long afternoons when I was alone with a piano in the church while my father wrote sermons in his office. I acquired my first guitar to lead worship. The importance of music was a supernatural one. Music was, in a real sense, a conduit to God.

As I grew older, I left the church and Christianity behind. I was awash in a sea of ideas and philosophies, none of which seemed to accurately reconcile what should be with what is. Despite this metaphysical crisis, music remained my north star - my guiding light. The sublime simplicity of a perfect melody somehow managed to put the highest watermarks of human reasoning to shame. If God was to be found, I was sure it would be inside the music of creation and not inside a book.

It was with this mindset that I wrote the songs on "Adam's Orchard." They are worship songs for the disenfranchised. Spirituals for those who shun religion. We all live in Adam's Orchard - this land of blood, sweat and tears that exists outside the gates of Eden. These songs are my chronicle of that experience, and they are here for anyone who wants to leave the world a little more filled with love than they found it.

So please, stay a while, drop a line and enjoy yourself. Just make sure to refill the ice trays if you use a lot of ice. The machine is broken again, and it's just too expensive to keep fixing it all the time.


Audio and video production by Capital Media Corp. Austin, TX
Producer - Joe Lynch. Sound Engineers - Nick Smith and Doug Dewey

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