• 11 years ago
by http://www.wakeupmessage.com

This is the first ever Wake Up! Message WEEKLY "fortune" telling using the Kipper Cards... why... Well, we have decided to provide a weekly "fortune" telling using the kipper cards as we are very familiar with these and like their "vibe" so to say :)

We will provide a spread each week moving forward, the question we are asking is always for Wake Up! Message "community" and the so called awakening or awakened (with no particular definition as to what that may mean).

The question we are asking is:
"What is of essence / importance this week?"

The Left Card; will tell us the "state" (this could be the current mood, emotion or feelings)
The Right Card; will tell us "subject" (this could be what it's about or maybe what is of essence at the moment)

The Kipper cards, do not only tell us what happening or going to happen but they also give us some indications as to what we could, should or may do with, about or for it ;)

If you want to know more about the cards and how we use them for this, please visit this link: (will be added shortly)

In short:
The Kipper cards are "fortune" telling cards that have been uses for over a 100 years now in central Europe, their origins are argued and discussed and by many simply not know. We don't want to make any claims as to where they come from as some say that a Mrs. Kipper form Germany made them a long time ago, others link them to the Gipsy cards etc... All in all, we have come to find them most effective and revealing.
