Convex relaxation for Combinatorial Penalties
The last years have seen the emergence of the field of structured sparsity, which aims at identifying a model of small complexity given some a priori knowledge on its possible structure. Specifically, models with structured sparsity are models in which the set of non-zero parameters --- often corresponding to a set of selected variables --- is not only assumed to be small, but also to display structured patterns. Two important examples are group sparsity, where groups of parameters are simultaneously zero or non-zero ,and hierarchical sparsity, were variables can only be selected following a prescribed partial order encoded by a directed acyclic graph.
A common approach to the problem is to add to the empirical risk an implicit or explicit penalization of the structure of the non-zero patterns.
In this talk, I will consider a generic formulation in which allowed structures are encoded by a combinatorial penalty, and show that when combined with continuous regularizer such as an Lp norm, a tightest convex relaxation can be constructed and used a regularizer. The formulation considered allows to treat in a unified framework several a priori disconnected approaches such as norms based on overlapping groups, norms based on latent representations such as block-coding and submodular functions, and to obtain generic consistency and support recovery results for the corresponding estimators obtained as minimizers of the regularized empirical risk.
The last years have seen the emergence of the field of structured sparsity, which aims at identifying a model of small complexity given some a priori knowledge on its possible structure. Specifically, models with structured sparsity are models in which the set of non-zero parameters --- often corresponding to a set of selected variables --- is not only assumed to be small, but also to display structured patterns. Two important examples are group sparsity, where groups of parameters are simultaneously zero or non-zero ,and hierarchical sparsity, were variables can only be selected following a prescribed partial order encoded by a directed acyclic graph.
A common approach to the problem is to add to the empirical risk an implicit or explicit penalization of the structure of the non-zero patterns.
In this talk, I will consider a generic formulation in which allowed structures are encoded by a combinatorial penalty, and show that when combined with continuous regularizer such as an Lp norm, a tightest convex relaxation can be constructed and used a regularizer. The formulation considered allows to treat in a unified framework several a priori disconnected approaches such as norms based on overlapping groups, norms based on latent representations such as block-coding and submodular functions, and to obtain generic consistency and support recovery results for the corresponding estimators obtained as minimizers of the regularized empirical risk.