Boston Marathon Bombing, the FBI, and 'Bomb Drills' - Ben Swann on Reality Check

  • 11 years ago
““At the starting line this morning, they had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there,” he said. “They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise,” Stevenson told”

The question sounds crazy, but did you know that eyewitnesses at the Boston Marathon confirmed that authorities announced a “drill” before the bomb explosions? Furthermore, did you also know that prior to the bombings that bomb sniffing dogs were already at the finish line? Did you also know that prior to the bombings authorities repeatedly announced over loud speakers “that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about”? In fact, when a reporter asked Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick about the announcements of the drill to the crowd at a press conference he was summarily ignored.

These are facts. FACTS. Facts are stubborn things.

Question: Why were the police in Boston telling the people to be calm BEFORE the bomb went off?

Question: What are the statistical odds that police will be running a drill/”training exercise” at the same exact location and at the same time for the same terrorist attack when it actually occurs?

Question: Why is the mainstream media so ready to blame this bombing on “homegrown” terrorists rather than doing real journalism and asking about this drill?

Question: Why did this take place while the market is crashing?

So, here is what I have so far. If the government was running a bomb drill/training exercise in Boston at the exact location and time of the terrorist attack, then

(a) they did it,

(b) they let it happen knowingly, or

(c) they tried to stop it and proved themselves complete FAILURES again as on 9/11.


So while I’m deeply sorry for the Boston victims, because I know the government was probably running this bombing from start to finish, I’m waiting to see how Obama will stand on their graves to advance his political agenda. Obama says he’s going to get to the bottom of this, so he should start with investigating DHS and everyone involved with the bomb drill/training exercise that apparently went live.

If the police were already on alert for the bomb, then that means they had FOREKNOWLEDGE of the terrorist attack. Even if the DHS/FBI weren’t running this bombing, they knew about it ahead of time. Questions: Who knew about? Who had the foreknowledge? How did they know? What exactly did they know? When did they know it or how long before the race? WHY didn’t they evacuate the race? Why didn’t they warn the people? Clearly, they were taking this training exercise pretty serious because of their presence and we’ve now learned there were police bomb spotters on the rooftops as well as bomb dogs. Or at least that is what we are being told…

You want to know the real truth? Yes, you can handle it. The real truth is this. Homegrown terrorism is another name for government staged terrorism.


