• 12 years ago
American Scholars Symposium - William Rodriguez: 9/11 Hero

Source: arabesque911.blogspot.nl/2007/05/heroism-of-william-rodriguez-amazing.html
Introduction by Alex Jones

There are so many heroes here today. Great examples of standing up against tyranny; telling the truth in the face of adversity…

William Rodriguez,[5] master janitor [of World Trade Center Tower 1[6]]… he has the master-key, the buildings are on fire, he stays in there with the firefighters, he takes them up to the top, he personally escorts hundreds of people out—physically pushing 50 people out of the door… goes back in, and the building collapses on him, and he’s the last non-emergency worker to be pulled from the rubble.

But that’s not where the courage ends—that’s where it begins.

William Rodriguez was then whisked to the White House,[7] all over National TV, hundreds of shows—he was everywhere. He’s treated like a big hero; the Republicans wanted him to run for Congress, he was offered millions of dollars—but then he kept talking about the explosions going off;[8] there were people with their skin burned off before the buildings collapsed on the bottom floors... They told him to shut up about that and just take the millions.

How many of you—could say I’m not taking the millions? He didn’t.

He not only saved those people from the World Trade Center, he also refused all of those millions of dollars… they have paid many of the victims—but he said no. He’s travelled the world from Venezuela, Malaysia, Japan—dozens of countries on national television speaking to the people. There is not a news blackout globally.

He’s been in Germany, England, Italy, and Russia—all over the world. He believes he can have more of an effect globally. One of the real heroes on 9/11—he wasn’t a firefighter, or a policeman—he didn’t even sign on for it. He went in that building on fire. He went in there and stayed in there until it collapsed.


William Rodriguez , 20 jaar werkzaam als congiërge in het World Trade Center, leidde op 11 september 2001 hulpverleners van brandweer en politie via de trappen van het WTC naar de meest onbereikbare plaatsen.
Hij bevrijdde eigenhandig zo'n vijftien mensen uit benarde posities en bracht ze buiten het gebouw. Zonder bepakking of beschermende kleding was hij mobieler dan professionele hulpverleners en zag hij meer dan wie dan ook. Als laatste overlevende ontsnapte hij aan de instorting van de Noordtoren door net op tijd onder een brandweerwagen te duiken.
Vlak voordat de banden van deze wagen onder de immense druk van het puin sprongen, was het ditmaal Rodriguez zelf die door hulpdiensten in veiligheid werd gebracht.


