• 12 years ago
A film by Greg Sneddon

Set in the 1970s, the story follows brother and sister Kuenphen and Jamyang where in a remote Bhutanese village, they learn traditional archery from their old warrior grandfather. The respected but eccentric old man uses a heavy hand and strict discipline to train the young Kuenphen in the art of traditional archery.
It becomes clear Kuenphen has opportunities to further his interests while sister Jamyang must stay home to weave, cook and get married; a fate the young woman is not willing to accept without a fight. When Kuenphen has to leave the village to take his mother on a 3 day walk to the old castle for medical treatment, Jamyang's own desire to explore a wider world other than the norm of following her mothers traditional life is stimulated.

Original language: Dzongka and English narration
Produced by: Tshering Dorji and Greg Sneddon