Son Gokū VS Superman
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Bruce Wayne is The Bat Man!
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Krieg der Sterne- Es war einmal vor langer Zeit in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis
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Superman asked Batman for help on how to defeat Son Goku...
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Paul McCartney urges to hew Boris Johnson!
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Michael Jackson saw Donald Trump's true quality!
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Donald Trump prefers white murderers!
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Dragonball: Telekinesis
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Wonder Woman's Origin Story and Diana Palmer
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DC's Trinity had a Gay Time
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DC's Speed Jokes
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ScrewAttack!'s wet dream: "Superman makes Goku's head explode using Heat Vision. The End."
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Amr Warda, the reason why soccer players aren't smart sportsmen!
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US Americans perverted conclusions
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DC Comics and its sexually frustrated Superheroes
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Facebook's robots remove Humans!
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Superman: Why wasn't Lois Lane sliced into three equal pieces???
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Marvel's unknown Inhumans
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Dragonball - Lazuli (ラズリ Razuri) 人造人間18号 - Homunkurusu 18-gō - Homunculus 18
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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hat Muffensausen!
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The Catwoman
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Dragonball: Superman will show "Super"
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Mr. "President", you are a stupid corrupt fucked asshole!
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GOP creates a Scoundrelcrat!
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Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton is already Formula 1 World Champion of 2018!
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Jetzt sind die Rechten ganz unten angekommen!
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Superman as Schwachmat officially confirmed by the Joker!
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Bitte lies, lies BILD nie! - Ein neuer Song für das Boulevardblatt
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