Bang Bizarre
Animals get grumpier with age
last month
Children should get stickers instead of sweets for Halloween
last month
Woman shocked to find killer scorpion in her home
last month
'Christmas creep' makes Santa arrive earlier each year
last month
Aliens don't require a home planet to survive
last month
Mobile phone and laptop usage posture can lead to dementia
last month
Clock changes have deadly consequences
last month
Cats outsmart babies in word association game
last month
A British space expert is convinced that aliens exist
last month
Cheaters are using bell peppers to signify they want affairs
last month
Artificial intelligence (AI) can help doctors spot broken bones on X-rays
last month
Kissing originated as an attempt to remove lice
last month
Seagulls could be put on contraceptive pill to curb attacks on humans
last month
Lie-ins dramatically slash dementia risk
last month
Man cheats death after being attacked by sex-crazed dolphin
last month
Listening to music speeds up surgery recovery
last month
Standing up for too long could prove deadly
last month
Smokers have tobacco traces in bones for hundreds of years after death
last month
Cavemen loved the taste of fish and chips
last month
Playing video games makes the brain younger - but exercising does not
last month
Nuts are unlikely to trigger allergic reactions on flights
last month
'Micro-walks' can improve health
last month
Ferret and rat pet demand has ramped up in recent months
last month
Elon Musk urged to send only one person to Mars by top scientist
last month
Humans have a rapid sense of smell
last month
Snacking on nuts every day slashes dementia risk
last month
Rich teenagers are more likely to vape and booze
last month
NASA's latest mission will attempt to establish if there is alien life on Jupiter
last month
Stress doubles the risk of a person's hair turning grey before they turn 30
last month
Breakdancers are putting themselves at risk of 'cone-head' with repetitive headspins
last month