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Who we are...
Let us begin with finding you a job!

About us:
We understand it is not easy to find a job. Bharatrozgaar identifies companies according to your prospects and make the job search and recruiting easier. So here we are, let us find you the right job matching your capabilities.

Founded by an experienced team lead by Aman Shukla who knows the pains of finding a job and the right candidate for a company. Aman has 15 years of work experience in diverse industries. Expertise in market research, business development and soft skill training. He likes spending time with the young minds exploring and understanding the millennials; guiding and training them for their future prospects..

Why are we doing this? was founded to fill the talent gap which organisations have always been facing. We focus on the job description (JD) and then filter candidates based on their experience and qualification. We believe in quality rather than quantity.

How do we match? works in an organised way and guides you for the prospective industries to give you a comprehensive tour in the job market.

We are not just CV providers to a company we understand the importance of time for both, the job seeker and the recruiters.
With an extensive research we filter candidates on the basis of job description (JD) , educational qualification and their kill-sets for a perfect match.
The stressful task of looking for a perfect job, Bharatrozgaar makes it easy. It does not keep you hanging by simply listing the job openings or providing you vacancy chart but it helps you meet your end to end needs when it comes to finding you a job.
What's in for you?
There is talent crunch in Bharat and everyone is looking for the right talent for their company. With your educational qualification not specialized and a plethora of job opportunities, you get confused with what the next step is. We feel opportunity-less, frustrated on how to move on. Bharatrozg

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