Nigel Bradford

Nigel Bradford

This web site has come into being thanks to the support and interest that many people have shown in my work. As an independent artist this is an important way for me to promote and share with you my music. On this site you can either listen by watching the videos, or listen to the MP3. You will also find Free Downloads. My Wish is to share with you the feelings the joy and the pleasure I have in composing and playing music on the Guitar. As well as the songs and the chance of recording and working with the beautiful voice of the French singer LEA.
A late friend of mine and talented writer once said to me when I was complaining about how the music industry were no longer respeceting there artiste's need to create. Only interested in exploiting them as a product.
He replied "Nigel for an artiste there is something much worse then being Exploited, it is not to be Exploited at all".
So this web site is my way of accommodating that fact. Music is food for the soul, on this site you will find free food as well as food you can buy.
Bon Appetite.
il y a 14 ans