Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem

Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem

We are a worldwide Ministry aimed at restoring the Faith once delivered by Yahshua of Nazareth to the original Congregation almost 2,000 years ago. We do this through education not condemnation. Through our free book entitled "The Great falling Away" we document the original faith set down by our Messiah Yahshua and show historically how that early congregation was totally highjacked for almost 300 years ending with the rule of Constantine the Great around 325 AD. We challenge all those who consider themselves to be true believers to ask themselves which Congregation they belong to. The one by Yahshua set down in 30 ad, or the one by Constantine in 325 AD. The two are vastly different. One was a Hebrew Congregation with a Hebrew Savior that was totally Torah observant. The second was a counterfeit, lawless church sealed by the decrees of Constantine.

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