【中国天津卫视官方频道】 天津卫视提出的"快乐生活"定位是通过认真的研究分析和多方对比得出的适合天津卫视整体发展的精确频道定位,基于天津人性格中乐观开朗、懂生活、会生活、知性快乐的天性,和善良健康、积极阳光的本质特征,从这个意义上讲,天津卫视的定位从理念到实践都是共建共享和谐社会的有机组成部分。 天津卫视王牌栏目同步更新: 《非你莫属》 《爱情保卫战》 《天下无双》 《保卫爱情》 《有问必答》 《王者归来》 《中国丽人》 《笑傲江湖》 【China TianJinTV Official Channel】 Tianjin TV's "happy life" position is through careful research and analysis and multi-contrast results fit the overall development of Tianjin TV channel positioning accuracy, Tianjin-based optimistic, cheerful personality, to understand life, will live, understanding the nature of happiness, and good health, the essential characteristics of an active sun, in this sense, the positioning of Tianjin TV from theory to practice sharing are an integral part of a harmonious society. Upload New Video For You Every Day~ Welcome to Subscribe!