Liziqi A

Cuộc sống bình yên ở thôn quê
Dig out the flowers and leaves hidden in the book, and make a few Spring Festival lanterns
2 năm trước
Put a new dress on the window, festive and auspicious——stick window grilles
2 năm trước
Write some Spring Festival couplets by yourself to add blessings to the New Year!
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Tomorrow's New Year's Eve, hang lanterns, post couplets, and get ready for the new year!
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Fu Niu welcomes the spring! I wish you all good luck in the New Year!
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Put on new bouquets, hang up trinkets, and decorate the main room in a festive way
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Meat-loving friends are here to gather—pork jerky
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The favorite of the "little squirrels" - pine nuts
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The auspicious orange cake that is so sweet!
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Eat a wishful candied date, everything goes well!
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In order not to let his family go hungry, the Baka warriors climbed the 100-meter tree with bare hands and cut down the century-old tree. Wild Life Documentary Documentary Do not imitate dangerous actions
2 năm trước
The foreign guy caught a big mouse with a clip, took it home and made it into a hamburger. Have you ever seen such a big mouse? Fantastic Beasts on Douyin Animal World Zero Distance Wild Animals Legal Hunting Abroad Beaver
2 năm trước
Brother Monkey has a parasite growing on his chin. Anyone who has a monkey wants to rush to eat it. It looks like it is about to explode #神秘宝宝在摇音 #Monkey #animalworld #wild monkey #wild animal zero distance ok
2 năm trước
In order to keep the whole family from starving, a man skated a small wooden boat to catch a shark with his bare hands, and if he missed it, he would turn into a corpse #神秘宝贝在摇音 #海洋生物 #动物世界 #dangerous action please do not imitate #documentary
2 năm trước
The crocodile had a tooth decay in its mouth. When the doctor opened the tooth decay, it was found that there were many broken teeth in the gums # 神秘宝贝在摇音 # 结构结论相远#奇迹的动物# Dangerous Actions Please Do Not Imitate #crocodile
2 năm trước
The poorest place in the world, so poor that they can only eat mice, toads and frogs, but they are called the happiest crowd #远常城市的闽风# Documentary # Documentary Commentary # Mountain
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In order to catch an expensive tattooed eel, he sank his head into the mud and dug the mud pit two meters deep
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The highly poisonous cobra bit the mongoose's eyes, and the venom has entered the mongoose's heart. Can the mongoose survive the cobra's venom?
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The guy rowed out to collect the fishhook, only to find that a guy with four legs was hanging on the hook, and he was pulled directly into the water #神秘宝宝在摇音#细节物入计划物物篇#真实外场#dangerous action Do not imitate #outdoorfishing
2 năm trước
How exciting it is for the guy to fish in the Amazon. There are highly poisonous eels everywhere, and he is directly pulled into the water by the fish on the fishing rod. #Outdoor Fishing#RealOutdoor#Documentary Charging PlanAnimal Articles#打鱼接虾#dangerous
2 năm trước
The Vietnamese guys had an eel fishing competition. The guy pulled out a five-pound eel from the water, and instantly stunned several people. Catch fish and touch shrimp # Documentary Charging Project Animals
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The guy is fishing for giant catfish in the Amazon. The fish here can grow longer than people. Fishing here is either the fish comes up or you go down.
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Have you ever seen a yellow-bone fish as big as a pig? It can be seen everywhere in the Amazon river. Every time you pull the rod, there is a surprise
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The Philippines captured the largest crocodile in history, weighing several tons and 6-7 meters in length. The scene was once thrilling
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为了妻儿老小能有一口饭吃、巴卡勇士仅凭一根藤条、就敢对着四十米大树攀爬、#野外生存 #危险动作请勿模仿 #求生 #纪录片 #蜂蜜
2 năm trước
In order for his wife, children and children to have a bite to eat, the Baka warrior dared to climb a 40-meter tree with only one cane.
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Foreign hunters hunt wild boars at 98k, the one behind is really too fierce
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李子柒 A 34
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