Creepy Acres

This is a entertaining look into the mass HIDDEN world of Cryptids (Cryptozoology) and the trials and struggles the cryptids have navigating their lives.

After a new TV show, CryptidQuest, debuts and offers an astronomical reward for proof of the existence of cryptids, creatures not recognized by science such as : The Lochness Monster, the Yeti, Bigfoot, etc., many of these monsters suddenly find themselves chased from their homes and on the run!

As these creatures begin to run into one another, and learn of each other's existence for the first time, hilarity and hijinks ensue! Now it's a race against time. Can Sam the mighty Bigfoot and the other cryptids make it to the safety of the fabled sanctuary "Creepy Acres" before the Cryptid Quest crew finds and exposes them?

Come join the crazy cast of characters of Creepy Acres as they scramble to try and Stay one step ahead of the humans that hunt them!