I was born in the Atlas Mountains /Morocco symbol of multiculturalism . I finished my university studies in French linguistics and literature, then I studied others languages. I created a Dar Souss Loisir . for 20 years i receive tourists from various origins and cultures. We receive them with the known imprint in Moroccans: hospitality. And since it is a luxury tourism their expectations differ there are those who prefer gastronomy or local music.There are those who love animals, There are those who like to ride camels or horse riding, and there are romantics who prefer to see the sunset on the backs of these animals. Around the dining table, there are those who exchange discussions and those who like calm and prefer to listen to the Koran or calm music. We have to respond favorably with love and generosity.Today we thought of showing all this diversity on the cultural level and landscapes through a YouTube channel in order to be able to send it to the whole world the glow of MAROC